EFIS was founded in 1999. French International School in Skopje currently has 96 students (kindergarten and primary school).
The school is located in a building in urban area, near the city centre, in Karposh municipality where all international schools in Macedonia are located and it offers suitable conditions for development and learning of every student.
The school has good infrastructure and modern equipment.
With its dynamic and dedicated teaching personnel, the school attains to offer great knowledge, skills and education to each and every student that will help them reach Europe and the world.
That contributes to spreading the French language and culture in a secular, multilingual and multicultural educational framework.
EFIS is an accredited school by the French Ministry of education up to the ninth grade.
French education in multilingual and multicultural dynamics.
“Staring from small group in kindergarten to the ninth grade, our students receive education that follows the school curriculum established by the French Ministry of Education, after which they receive a diploma “Diploma of State Semi-Matriculation”
We currently have 96 students aged 2 to 15, who are from several nations (Macedonian, French, Belgian, Swiss, American, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Ukrainian etc.).
Students are divided into 9 small classes and thus they have superb learning conditions.
Kindergarten from the age of three to five: early learning cycle
Kindergarten falls into “early learning cycle” due to the fact that the process of learning depends on the child’s abilities who will become a student. Learning starts at the age of two.
French kindergarten curriculum develops in 5 domains:
- Learning the language in all its dimensions ( oral and written);
- Expression, action and understanding through physical activities ( sport , games, dance and similar);
- Expression, action and understanding through art activities (painting, drawing, singing etc.);
- Establishing the first tools for structured thinking (counting, comparing, organizing etc.);
- Explore the world around you (discover science, passing of time, world around us, etc.).
Basic learning cycle from the first grade to the third grade
This cycle starts in first grade and continues in the second and the third grade.
The curriculum of this cycle is continuance of kindergarten and learning is organized with the following subjects:
- French;
- Mathematics;
- English Language;
- Physical Education;
- Art;
- Moral and Civic Education;
- World around us
A cycle of consolidation of knowledge from the fourth to the sixth grade
The third cycle covers the fourth, the fifth and the sixth grade and thus it includes the subject teaching.
School subjects that are taught are:
- French;
- Mathematics;
- English language;
- Physical and Sports Education;
- Art;
- Moral and Civic Education;
- History and Geography
- Science
The third cycle is connected with the two last years od class teaching and the first year of subject teaching with an emphasis on pedagogical continuity and coherence in education by adopting the common criteria for knowledge, skills and culture.
Sixth grade has a special place in this cycle: with it, students get accustomed to the rhythm, organisation and functioning of subject teaching and they continue their education from the fourth and the fifth grade.
This program enables natural and progressive learning according to the disciplines, in their language, in their ways and specific methods. From a polyvalent teacher who works on the common knowledge in several subjects and connects several domains according to the knowledge criteria, to education in the sixth grade with several subject teachers who jointly contribute to the acquisition of the skills determined by the knowledge criteria, thanks to the common topics and the connection of the subjects.
Primary education – subject teaching comprises 5 domains of skills:
- Language for thinking and communication (French, foreign and local languages, mathematical language, etc);
- Learning methods and tools (digital tools, projects, organization etc.);
- Personality formation and citizenship awareness ( formation of values, life in society, respect and similar);
- Natural sciences and applied sciences/ technical systems (science, curiosity, problem solving…);
- Representation of the world and human activity ( history, culture, geography, etc)